School Council

What is the School Council?
A new school council is elected each year, with every class from Year 1 to Y6 nominating representatives. This creates a central group that speaks on behalf of the whole school and makes decisions about school life. We value the opinions of our pupils and the School Council gives pupils a forum to share these opinions with the Head teacher and other members of staff.

Who are the School Council representatives?

Our school council is made up of 2 representatives from each class from Year 1 to Year 6. All
school council representatives are elected by their peers at the beginning of each academic
Mrs K Aitken- School Council (Teacher representative)

I am very proud to lead our School Council. We have amazing children in our school who
have lots of great ideas on how we can work together to make a better school. Our motto at
Roman Road is ‘In Pursuit of Excellence’ which all our pupils strive for, in order to make
school the best place for all pupils. We want to make sure that all children’s voices are heard
in our school. We meet every other week to discuss ideas and events and then each class
representatives feeds back to their classes.

What have we already done?
 Reviewed school meals as a council to discuss options and opinions
 Created posters for Anti-Bullying Week
 Helped with our feedback to win outdoor equipment
 Met the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Newham to find out more about his role in the

What do we aim to do this year?
In this school year the school council aim to do the following;
 School council representatives meet fortnightly to discuss their views and be
 Create a fundraising plan for the year and how the money will be used- focussing
on causes close to pupil’s hearts.
 Create more outdoor space with equipment that was awarded to us by a local
charity- including bird feeders so children can learn more about nature.
 Visit City Hall to learn more about politics and democracy.