Welcome to Key Stage 1

Your children are now on the first step of the ladder to formal education. They are at the beginning of the National Curriculum. We endeavour to make the transition from Foundation to Year 1 as smooth as possible. During the first term we have a hands on approach to learning which enables children to learn through practical experiences including differentiated activities to meet each individual child’s needs. This will ease them in to the beginning of a more focussed part of academia.

In Year 1 we approach the children’s learning and development holistically. We learn to respect and care for each other and believe that there are no limits to what a child can achieve. We facilitate the development of children in a safe and positive environment that promotes high personal achievement. We believe in life- long learning that engages children’s interests and sparks the desire to learn. The Year 1 team fosters the belief that we learn through our mistakes along-side trying our best.

During the journey through Year 1 children will be exposed to a wide range of subjects and topics that are taught sympathetically acknowledging children’s backgrounds inclusively.
One aspect of the journey is ‘Phonic Screening’ which takes place in June. Each child in year 1 across the country is expected to be screened in accordance to a Government strategy to ensure most children are able to read by the age of 6.
In order for children to reach their potential on this voyage it is paramount that they are supported in school and at home. The Year 1 teachers will support parents to support their children. Need support our door is always open.

In Year 2 staff consolidate the learning taught in Year 1. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils, which enables all pupils to achieve their full potential and make progress in their learning. We strive to provide a high impact education that nurtures all round development and academic excellence, equipping children with skills to flourish in tomorrow’s world and become lifelong learners.
We are committed to developing and inspiring every pupil, to believe that they can and will succeed by fostering a positive education culture and teaching practice. In Year 2 we promote a growth mindset culture to enable children to relish challenges and develop resilience. We have dedicated sessions in class to address what kind of learners we want to be and how we can positively approach challenges. During KS1 Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEALS) assemblies we promote skills such as resilience, confidence, self-esteem, kindness, gratitude and discipline. Central to this attitude and approach to learning, are the theories and proven evidence of growth mindset.
We inspire children to strive for greatness, live to their fullest potential and see the best in themselves. The Year 2 Teaches are passionate about providing enriched learning opportunities for children by developing their style of teaching and facilitating learning that actively engages children and ignites a passion for learning. We plan numerous school trips to enhance children’s enrichment opportunities outside of the classroom.
This is also the year of the Key Stage 1 (KS1) end of year attainment tests known as SATS which mark the end of your child’s KS1 journey. The final year of KS1 will see your child being encouraged to work more independently.

What do the KS1 SATs entail?

At the end of Year 2, all pupils will take SATS in reading, SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) and maths.
The reading test is made up of two papers, each worth 50% of the marks. They are designed to take roughly 30 minutes, although the children won’t be strictly timed. The SPAG test consists of two papers; one is a spelling test of approximately 15 minutes and the other is another short paper which will focus on punctuation and grammar. Maths is also split into two papers. The first is arithmetic where the basic understanding of place value and number is tested. The second is reasoning, where your child will need to apply their problem solving and reasoning skills to show their understanding.

How can I help my child in Year 2?

Help them to understand what they read
As reading comprehension is so important this year, checking your child's understanding of the book they are reading is an excellent way to support them. Asking questions about the plot such as: 'What might happen next? Why do you think the boy is feeling sad? What sort of mood is being created?' will help them to engage with their reading on a deeper level.
You can also do this when you are reading to them, which is still so important at this age. Children learn a lot from the way we read aloud and we can encourage them to see how the author's use of punctuation changes the way we read their work. Think about pointing out statements, commands, questions or exclamations when reading with your child. You might want to use a range of voices to show how types of sentences and punctuation can be read in different ways.
Giving your child access to a variety of writing styles including a range of fiction and non-fiction books this will expand their vocabulary and knowledge as well as develop their reading fluency.

Any opportunity to use maths in a real-life context is really useful. For example, ask them to help you pay for goods or calculate change when shopping. This will help to develop their reasoning and problem solving skills. Learning to tell the time, especially to five minutes, is another great way to support your child's learning at home; this also links neatly to their counting in 5s in the 5 times-table.
Perhaps most importantly for maths, you can help your child at home by practising their times tables (2, 5 and 10) regularly. There are many different ways you can do this, but it is beneficial if your child can use and apply this knowledge for example, not just knowing that 10 x 2 is 20, but also realising that 20 divided by 2 is 10. You could use journey time to school to give your child fun times table challenges. 


Autumn 1            Autumn 2            Spring 1            Spring 2            Summer 1            Summer 2                

Autumn 1             Autumn 2             Spring 1              Spring 2              Summer 1              Summer 2